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Pre-made utility scripts

Utility scripts are designed to manage the lifecycle of objects spawned through behavior scripts. While many of these scripts are intuitive, we'll provide a closer look at each one to help you understand their functionality and applications. You can find these utility scripts under Initi > Behaviour > Utils.

Destroy After Time

The Destroy After Time script is used to automatically remove a GameObject after a specified duration. This script is useful for managing the lifespan of temporary objects, such as effects or projectiles, that should not persist indefinitely in your scene.

Destroy After Time

Destroy Time Min The minimum time (in seconds) that the GameObject will remain in the scene before it is eligible for destruction. This parameter sets the lower bound for the destruction timer, ensuring that the object is not destroyed before this minimum duration has passed. The object's actual destruction time will be randomly selected between the Destroy Time Min and Destroy Time Max values, providing a controlled range for how long the object remains active.
Destroy Time Max The maximum time (in seconds) before the GameObject is automatically destroyed. This sets the upper limit of the object's lifespan, ensuring it will not persist beyond this duration. The object's actual destruction time will be randomly selected between the Destroy Time Min and Destroy Time Max values, providing a controlled range for how long the object remains active.
Simulate Hit On Destroy When enabled, it triggers a simulated hit event on the GameObject's behaviors and those of its child objects just before the GameObject is destroyed. This allows any attached behaviors to react as if the object was interacted with by the user, even though it is about to be removed from the scene.

Destroy After Animation

This utility script retrieves the duration of the current animation from the Animator component and destroys the GameObject once the animation completes. It requires an Animator component to be attached to the same GameObject.

Destroy After Animation

Simulate Hit On Destroy When enabled, it triggers a simulated hit event on the GameObject's behaviors and those of its child objects just before the GameObject is destroyed. This allows any attached behaviors to react as if the object was interacted with by the user, even though it is about to be removed from the scene.

Destroy When Invisible

This script automatically deletes the GameObject when it becomes invisible. It flags the object as visible when OnBecameVisible() is called and destroys it when OnBecameInvisible() is triggered. This is particularly useful for managing objects with physics or gravity that fall out of view.

Destroy On Particles Finish

This script manages the lifecycle of a GameObject by waiting for all Particle Systems on the object and its children to complete their emission. Once all particles have ceased, the script automatically destroys the GameObject.

Destroy On Particles Finish

Simulate Hit On Destroy When enabled, it triggers a simulated hit event on the GameObject's behaviors and those of its child objects just before the GameObject is destroyed. This allows any attached behaviors to react as if the object was interacted with by the user, even though it is about to be removed from the scene.

Don't Destroy On Scene Load

This helper component marks the GameObject to persist through scene reloads by calling the DontDestroyOnLoad() method.

Change Light Intensity

This component animates the light intensity over time. Optionally, it can destroy the GameObject once the animation ends. It's useful for effects that require a fading light effect, allowing them to be removed from the scene once the fade is complete.

Change Light Intensity

Duration Specifies the duration (in seconds) for which the light intensity will be animated.
Delay Specifies the delay (in seconds) before the light intensity animation begins.
Final Intensity Defines the target intensity value that the light will animate towards over the specified duration.
Auto Destroy If enabled, the GameObject will be automatically destroyed once the light intensity animation completes. This is useful for automatically removing objects after they have finished their visual effect.

Simple Animation

A utility script that animates a sequence of sprites at a specified frame rate. With the option to destroy the GameObject once the animation is complete, it’s ideal for simple sprite sheet effects that can be instantiated and left to run without further management.

Simple Animation

Sprites A list of sprites that will be played in sequence to create the animation.
Fps The frames per second at which the sprites are played, determining the speed of the animation.
Destroy After Finish If enabled, the GameObject will be automatically destroyed after the sprite animation completes.
Simulate Hit On Destroy When enabled, it triggers a simulated hit event on the GameObject's behaviors and those of its child objects just before the GameObject is destroyed. This allows any attached behaviors to react as if the object was interacted with by the user, even though it is about to be removed from the scene.

Combined with the pre-made behaviors, these utility scripts will help you quickly set up a simple, game-ready environment in INITI Playground. In the next section, we’ll explore how you can extend this functionality by implementing interactive objects with custom logic.